The Era of SEO has rapidly evolved over the past couple years. With Google rolling out its March 2023 Core Search Update, They have made it precise that the key to rank higher in SERPs is creating Better Content.
It is high time SEO Agency and Brands need to opt or Upgrade their SEO Strategy.
One key element that will play a crucial role in helping your SEO Strategy is Artificial Intelligence [AI SEO].
What is AI SEO and how can it help you optimise your marketing strategy? We will explore it further.
So, What is AI SEO?
Simply Put, AI is human intelligence mirrored by machines. It has been in development for years. It can help mimic human actions and automate numerous tasks. This is revolutionary for many industries and companies can use it in areas of marketing, finance, customer services and more.
Google itself has embedded around 25 of its products with its latest artificial intelligence technology.
AI and SEO is a great combination.
AI can help optimise data, research keywords, create content being really good to assist in some of the major areas of structuring a competent SEO Strategy.
Therefore Understanding AI and SEO is crucial to get a massive advantage over your brand’s online marketing.
How AI can help SEO?
SEO and AI together might prove to be an unbeatable strategy to boost your website’s ranking on SERPs.
However, the way your SEO agency or Brand perceive it matters.
Search Engines put users in the forefront. It delivers content that caters to their needs.
Therefore, you need to create content that delivers:
- Satisfaction to their curiosity by answering their questions.
- Providing useful resources to refer to.
- Delivering Informative content that they refer to regularly.
- Avoid spammy and overstuffing keywords.
- Optimise through keyword link – building.
Refer to our guide to know how to optimise content.
AI can be a highly productive team player if used correctly. Here’s a rough idea on how it can be useful in different ways:
- Content Creation
- Content Optimization
- Planning Content Map
- Curate Analytics and Data
- Generate accurate Meta Descriptions
- Automate Precisive Titles
- Automate Creation of Schema Markup Data
..and still, the possibilities are endless.
Feels the next big thing, right?
But Will AI replace SEO?
Well, The Answer is – NO. However, it will drastically change how SEO agency and Brands conduct SEO.
AI for Content
Content in SEO has always been a crucial part. Stumbling across a great idea is only the beginning, you need to deliver content that is high quality and relevant.
AI can be a great asset in structuring ideas to deliver.
A Common topic when delivered to multiple writers will generate different versions of the same. When provided to the reader, there will be writings he relates to most and some he relates to less.
This creates an imaginary gap of relatedness between both Writer and Reader.
SEO Content being less relatable despite being a golden nugget will likely to perform less in SERPs because of this.
This is where AI will play a massive role. In building a bridge between such gaps by analysing what relevant information readers seek and delivering content that caters to the need.
This is revolutionary as it may completely revamp the traditional SEO Content Structure of finding highly relatable keywords first and building the content surrounding it.
There are tools of AI easily accessible in both free and premium versions that can help automate certain steps of your creation process.
Generating Points to discuss adding effective titles and conclusions. You can always stumble upon your next big fish in this vast SEO pond.
So no more Writing Blocks? Maybe.
Content Optimization
The Traditional Structure of Optimising Content through Backlinks, Interlinks, On page SEO Tactics etc. are still relevant now.
But Major Optimising Content tactic still lies in making content more effective, descriptive and informative that users refer to.
You can read what Google Says about it here.
Popular Ai Tools such as Grammarly optimise your copy instantly. The Tech precisely locates any grammatical errors and tells you to fix it. Also giving you suggestions on what better frame of sentence can appeal to your audience the most.
When Structuring the Content, you need to take in both perceptions of:
- What User wants to read on Search Engines.
- What relevant topic you will write about.
AI Research tools for Search Marketers will be extremely functional in aligning both these viewpoints and conveying the content that caters to both.
AI for Keywords
In order to rank higher, Competition Research, Keyword Research Etc. are necessary.
Gone are those days of stuffing keywords and producing mediocre content, ever since Hummingbird.
Finding and Targeting Keywords, Looking for what your Competitor Under delivered, How many Sections to add, these consumes a lot of time, energy, and creativity manually.
This is where AI can work and help automate such tasks.
AI Research tools can curate best suitable keywords, Find exploitations to your Competitor’s Content and Suggest you ideas to deliver it better.
AI can help you in researching keywords that work, and also create content around it. This will help you in:
- Scale the process entirely, reducing time for researching and publishing Content.
- Fill voids in Content Gaps, Tailored to deliver according to What is searched For? precisely.
- Providing the most accurate data for Research – All in real time.
Considering this is still in its early stage of evolution, the future looks promising.
All the more reasons for you to add AI to your SEO Strategy.
AI for Interaction
Along with the help of an effective SEO Marketing Strategy, key features like Readability, Loading Speeds, Ease of User Experience and many such important factors play their role in ranking your website higher in SERPs.
AI Powered Chatbots can be a game changer for your website. It can interact with your audience, Answer frequently asked Questions, Programmed to redirect Viewers to what they want to look for, Provide Contact Information, the list goes on.
This is huge because:
- Microsoft’s Bing, Google’s Bard, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT are making AI Chatbot technology more accessible to General Audience.
- Natural Language Processing [NLP] Powered Chabots can detect and respond to Queries made through Voice Search. Websites utilising these bots can rank higher in Voice Based Search Rankings amassing traffic from Siri, Alexa, and Google Voice Assistants.
Some Voice Search Statistics you might need to know:

Source: Demandsage
One thing to be noted before Going all in on Voice Optimisation, This Market is Supersaturated. Most of these Voice Assistants only show singular results for online queries – The one on Top of the Search Page. So make sure to pull all your weapons out to rank high on SERPs.
A Tedious Part of answering Common Questions over and over again has been taken care of by AI.
With its next step of evolution, it has full potential to completely change the landscape of Interaction.
AI for UX Experience
User Experience – Here, the ‘User’ being the primary goal.
Page Experience might be a neglected and underwatched feature that plays a vital role in rankings for your website.
Google relies heavily on User Satisfaction. Matters such as How Satisfied [or opposite] User feels when visiting your Website.
If Majority of these stats shows Positive ROI For your page, you are more likely to get higher rankings on SERPs.
Some minor things that might need your attention:
- How Informative your site is.
- How Accessible things are on your site.
- How Easy Navigating is.
- How Visually Appealing it seems.
- How Fast Information Loads.
- How Mobile Friendly it is.
All of these factors need to be referred for better position on search engines.
AI tools can play their part in enhancing UX organisation and delivering a personalised experience by crafting beautiful designs, better on page statistics, effective scripts or giving you notable recommendations to appeal more to the SEO engines.
The Newer plugins in Tools Such as Framer can literally create whole websites with all the features as informed. Again as we mentioned, just a Beginning Stage.
Ethical Considerations
There’s no Limitation to post Fully Auto Generated Content, However Google’s Spam Guidelines Suggest that if you want to rank high on SERPs, then you might need to avoid it being fully AI Generated.
You can read more about the Guidelines Here.
There are no legal or lawful actions against such unless it violates Google’s Rules and Guidelines. It is better for SEO Agency or Brands to use it as an assistant or to gain inspiration and not be dependent on it at least right now.
AI and SEO is a match made in Digital Heaven.
The Potential seems endless, We all await what future it brings to the Digital World!
Have you capitalised on AI for your SEO Strategy Yet?
Looking to grow your Business to New Heights? Turn to our SEO Experts, Contact us now and get your FREE SEO Audit.